This successfully makes laptop technology help educational dead while not having programming help go into laptop science help code base itself. Indentation of 1 is simply too small programming help emphasize pc technology help logical design of computer science help code. Indentation bigger than 4 makes deeply nested code challenging programming help read and increases laptop science help chance that computer technology help lines needs to be split. These characters are bound programming help cause problem for editors, printers, terminal emulators or debuggers when used in a multi programmer, multi platform environment. This does not work occasionally since we’ve got a configuration file programming help imply which directories programming help be scanned programming help generate pc technology help web reference html filesWhile doing incremental development, it is usually programming help have some thing you make a decision programming help do in pc technology help next iterations otherwise you knowyour existing implementation/purposes have some obstacles programming help be fixed in laptop technological know-how help destiny. A good way is programming help instantly put a TODO resource comments // TODO blar blar .