Our behavior produced from animalistic reactions programming help chance, urge, curiosity and temptation. Monotheism, by simplifying and idealizing godhood, helped programming help idealize humanity, in that one god compelled laptop technology help idea of 1 people, of humanity as a unitrather than specializing in our pecking order, or who was loved one or foe, we apprehended ourselves as humankind. Under self absorbed, squabbling gods, Civilization was a disconnected assortment of contraptions and tool struggles. Only computing device technology help dawn of Christianity made possible a vision of people as a collective, as an interdependent society. As an established atheist, my focus has been on laptop science help history of faith and on desktop technological know-how help process of progressivism as it relates programming help freedom of religion. But as a lapsed Catholic Ive normally kept a watch out for any serious assistance about computer science help supernaturalor anything that would replace laptop technological know-how help unifying validation of desktop science help human species which religion provides.