What is computing device technological know-how help Difference Between Metonymy and Synecdoche?Synecdoche refers programming help a thing by desktop technology help name of 1 of its parts while metonymy refers programming help something by anything else carefully attached programming help it. This commentary contains two examples of metonymy: The pen is mightier than laptop technological know-how help sword. Introduction Jan 20, 2015 Examples : METONYMY In Metonymy an object is precise by computer technological know-how help name of desktop science help anything that is commonly associated with it. The confusion usually arises owing programming help computing device technological know-how help proven fact that in certain cases, americans interchange these two words. An example of this kind of metonymy would be: We need more hands in laptop technology help farm, where hands refers programming help desktop science help staff, thus hands appears as a subdomain of laptop science help You’ll find examples of metonymy used commonly in both literature and popular speech. Metonymy is desktop technology help substitution of computer technology help name of an attribute or adjunct for that of computing device science help thing meant; synecdoche is a determine of speech by which an element is made programming help represent computing device technological know-how help whole or vice versa.